[2012] A Comparative Randomised Controlled Trial of the Effects of BrainWave Vibration Training, Iyengar Yoga, andMindfulness on Mood,Well-Being, and Salivary Cortisol
- 저자Deborah Bowden, Claire Gaudry, Seung Chan An, John Gruzelier
- 저널명Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine Volume 2012, Article ID 234713, 13 pages
- 초록This randomised trial compared the effects of BrainWave Vibration (BWV) training, which involves rhythmic yoga-like meditative exercises, with Iyengar yoga and Mindfulness. Iyengar provided a contrast for the physical components and mindfulness for the "mental" components of BWV. 35 healthy adults completed 10 75-minute classes of BWV, Iyengar, or Mindfulness over five weeks. Participants were assessed at pre- and post intervention for mood, sleep, mindfulness, absorption, health, memory, and salivary cortisol. Better overall mood and vitality followed both BWV and Iyengar training, while the BWV group alone had improved depression and sleep latency. Mindfulness produced a comparatively greater increase in absorption. All interventions improved stress and mindfulness, while no changes occurred in health, memory, or salivary cortisol. In conclusion, increased well-being followed training in all three practices, increased absorption was specific to Mindfulness, while BWV was unique in its benefits to depression and sleep latency, warranting further research.
[2012] Influence of brain-derived neurotrophic factor and catechol O-methyl transferase polymorphisms on effects of meditation on plasma catecholamines and stress
- 저널명Stress 15(1):97-104
- 초록Meditation may show differential effects on stress and plasma catecholamines based on genetic polymorphisms in brainderived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and catechol O-methyl transferase (COMT). Eighty adults (40 men, 40 women; mean age 26 years) who practiced meditation regularly and 57 healthy control adults (35 men, 22 women; mean age 26 years) participated. Plasma catecholamines (norepinephrine (NE), epinephrine (E), and dopamine (DA)) concentrations were measured, and a modified form of the Stress Response Inventory was administered. The results were analyzed using two-way analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) with control and meditation subjects, gene polymorphism as factors, and meditation duration as the covariate. Two-way ANCOVA showed a significant interaction between control and meditation subjects, and BDNF Val66Met polymorphism on DA/NE + DA/E (p=0.042) and NE/E + NE/DA (p=0.046) ratios. A significant interaction was found for control and meditation subjects with COMT Val158Met polymorphism and plasma NE concentrations (p=0.009). Post hoc ANCOVA in the meditation group, adjusted for meditation duration, showed significantly higher plasma NE concentrations for COMT Met carriers than COMT Val/Val subjects (p=0.025). Significant differences of stress levels were found between the control and meditation subjects in BDNF Val/Met (p<0.001) and BDNF Met/Met (p=0.003), whereas stress levels in the BDNF Val/Val genotype did not differ between the control and meditation groups. This is the first evidence that meditation produces different effects on plasma catecholamines according to BDNF or COMT polymorphisms.
[2010] The effects of mind-body training on stress reduction, positive affect, and plasma catecholamines
- 저자Y.H.Jung, D.H.Kang, J.H.Jang, H.Y.Park, M.S.Byun, S.J.Kwon, G.E.Jang, U.S.Lee, S. C.An, J.S.Kwon
- 저널명Neuroscience Letters, 479, p138-142
- 초록This study was designed to assess the association between stress, positive affect and catecholamine levels in meditation and control groups. The meditation group consisted of 67 subjects who regularly engaged in mind-body training of "Brain-Wave Vibration" and the control group consisted of 57 healthy subjects. Plasma catecholamine (norepinephrine (NE), epinephrine (E), and dopamine (DA)) levels were measured, and a modified form of the Stress Response Inventory (SRI-MF) and the Positive Affect and Negative Affect Scale (PANAS) were administered. The meditation group showed higher scores on positive affect (p = .019) and lower scores on stress (p < .001) compared with the control group. Plasma DA levels were also higher in the meditation (p = .031) than in the control group. The control group demonstrated a negative correlation between stress and positive affects (r =-.408, p = .002), whereas this correlation was not observed in the meditation group. The control group showed positive correlations between somatization and NE/E (r = .267, p = .045) and DA/E (r = .271, p = .042) ratios, whereas these correlations did not emerge in the meditation group. In conclusion, these results suggest that meditation as mind-body training is associated with lower stress, higher positive affect and higher plasma DA levels when comparing the meditation group with the control group. Thus, mind-body training may influence stress, positive affect and the sympathetic nervous system including DA activity.
[2009] The Effect of the Brain Education Program on Emotional Intelligence, Stress, and Stress-Coping Strategies of Elementary School Students
- 저자오미경, 김월순, 이성원, Rebecca Cheema, 이을순, 이승헌
- 저널명아동교육 제18권 제1호 2009. Vol. 18, No. 1, 169~181
- 초록Brain-oriented educational programs are increasingly popular. The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of a classroom-based Brain Education program, which is strongly focused on elementary children`s emotional intelligence, perceived stress, and stress coping strategies. Twenty-seven fifth-grade elementary school students completed the Brain Education program over the course of a full academic year. Twenty-five students in a control group participated on Chinese writing classes. Pre-test post-test comparisons were conducted through repeated measures ANOVA, to evaluate the impact of the Brain Education program. The brain education program positively influenced emotional intelligence and the degree of perceived stress, and the stress coping strategies. Results are discussed in terms of possible mechanisms of benefit and recommendations for future research.
[2007] Effectiveness of a meditation-based stress management program as an adjunct to pharmacotherapy in patients with anxiety disorder
- 저자Sang Hyuk Lee, Seung Chan Ahn, Yu Jin Lee, Tae Kyu Choi, Ki Hwan Yook, Shin Young Suh
- 저널명Journal of Psycholsomatic Research
- 초록Objective The objective of this study was to examine the effectiveness of a meditation-based stress management program in patients with anxiety disorder. Methods Patients with anxiety disorder were randomly assigned to an 8-week clinical trial of either a meditation-based stress management program or an anxiety disorder education program. The Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (HAM-A), the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HAM-D), the State–Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI), the Beck Depression Inventory, and the Symptom Checklist-90—Revised (SCL-90-R) were used to measure outcome at 0, 2, 4, and 8 weeks of the program. Results Compared to the education group, the meditation-based stress management group showed significant improvement in scores on all anxiety scales (HAM-A, P=.00; STAI state, P=.00; STAI trait, P=.00; anxiety subscale of SCL-90-R, P=.00) and in the SCL-90-R hostility subscale (P=.01). Findings on depression measures were inconsistent, with no significant improvement shown by subjects in the meditation-based stress management group compared to those in the education group. The meditation-based stress management group did not show significant improvement in somatization, obsessive–compulsive symptoms, and interpersonal sensitivity scores, or in the SCL-90-R phobic anxiety subscale compared to the education group. Conclusions A meditation-based stress management program can be effective in relieving anxiety symptoms in patients with anxiety disorder. However, well-designed, randomized, and controlled trials are needed to scientifically prove the worth of this intervention prior to treatment.
[2007] 장생보법 훈련이 신체증상 지각 및 뇌 영역별 활성에 미치는 영향
- 저자심준영,김홍기,이성원,이승헌
- 저널명한국스포츠리서치. 2007, 제18권 4호, 통권 103호, pp. 413-424
- 초록This study aims to examine the influence of 'Jangsaeng Walking' on activation conditions of brain and 'psychosomatic symptom' through comparison of 'common walking' and 'Jangsaeng Walking' with 40 women between 30 and 50 years old. 20 of 40 selected women were assigned to experimental group and 20 others to control group and experimental group conducted Jangsaeng Walking for 30 min. per semester through four times a week for 8 weeks. Electroencephalogram (EEG) was measured for 5 min. through 3 times at the first stability period, the second walking period and the third stability period. Electrode was attached to measured parts such as Fp1, Fp2, F3, F4, T3, T4, P3 and P4 by International 10/20 electrode system and relative power and cross correlation analysis were conducted. Questionnaire of psychosomatic symptoms was conducted before measuring EEG and comparison between groups was performed. As a result of repeated measure two way ANOVA, relative power by each frequency band of EEG showed significant difference between groups in alpha wave and gamma wave and relative power of alpha wave and gamma wave and cross correlation coefficient were analyzed. In the analysis of relative power, alpha wave showed significant difference between groups in Fp1, Fp2, T3, T4 and P3 and gamma wave did in Fp1, Fp2, F3, F4, T3 and P3. Experimental group showed significant decrease in alpha wave at the 2nd walking period compared to the first stability period, but gamma wave showed significant increase. In cross correlation analysis, alpha wave showed significant differences in total 11 electrode pairs and gamma wave did in 12 electrode pairs. In particular, at the second walking period, experimental group showed increase of functional cooperation between electrode pairs to parietal lobe centering around frontal lobe compared to control group. Changes of psychosomatic symptoms showed significant decrease at 'headache' and 'digestion' of four sub-factors in experimental group and it was found that perception of psychosomatic symptoms was improved.
[2006] Neural correlates of superior intelligence : Stronger recruitment of posterior parietal cortex.
- 저자K.H.Lee, Y.Y.Choi, Jeremy R. Gray, S.H.Cho, J.H.Chae, S.H.Lee, K.G.Kim,
- 저널명NeuroImage. Vol 29(2). 578~586.
- 초록General intelligence (g) is a common factor in diverse cognitive abilities and a major influence on life outcomes. Neuroimaging studies in adults suggest that the lateral prefrontal and parietal cortices play a crucial role in related cognitive activities including fluid reasoning, the control of attention, and working memory. Here, we investigated the neural bases for intellectual giftedness (superior-g) in adolescents, using fMRI. The participants consisted of a superior-g group (n = 18, mean RAPM = 33.9 T 0.8, >99%) from the national academy for gifted adolescents and the control group (n = 18, mean RAPM = 22.8 T 1.6, 60%) from local high schools in Korea (mean age = 16.5 T 0.8). fMRI data were acquired while they performed two reasoning tasks with high and low g-loadings. In both groups, the high g-loaded tasks specifically increased regional activity in the bilateral fronto-parietal network including the lateral prefrontal, anterior cingulate, and posterior parietal cortices. However, the regional activations of the superior-g group were significantly stronger than those of the control group, especially in the posterior parietal cortex. Moreover, regression analysis revealed that activity of the superior and intraparietal cortices (BA 7/40) strongly covaried with individual differences in g (r = 0.71 to 0.81). A correlated vectors analysis implicated bilateral posterior parietal areas in g. These results suggest that superior-g may not be due to the recruitment of additional brain regions but to the functional facilitation of the fronto-parietal network particularly driven by the posterior parietal activation.
[2006] The effects of environmental luminance on colour perception in heightened sensory perception(HSP) trained children.
- 저자S.W.Kim, S.H.Ahn, D.P.Jang, J.H.Ku, Sumners D.P., U.S.Lee, Z.H.Cho S.H.Lee,
- 저널명Acta Physiologica, Vol 186, supplement 1, 249. Poster presentation
- 초록
[2006] Stimuls intensity dependence of colour perception by heightened sensory perception(HSP) trained children.
- 저자S.H.Ahn, S.W.Kim, D.P.Jang, J.H.Ku, Sumners D.P., U.S.Lee, Z.H.Cho S.H.Lee
- 저널명Acta Physiologica, Vol 186, supplement 1, 250. Poster presentation
- 초록
[2005] Preliminary studies of ESP developed by somatosensory training
- 저자S.H.Ahn, M.K.Sung, S.W.Kim, S.C.An, U.S.Lee. & S.H.Lee
- 저널명Journal of International Society of Life Information Science, 23(1), 164 ~ 168.
- 초록Researchers of the Korea Institute of Brain Science(KIBS) have developed Brain Respiration(BR) which is a brain-development program using Qi. In the BR training course, we found paranormal phenomenon on which children could obtain visual information under conditions of non-visual sensing. We named the phenomenon HSP(Heightened Sensory Perception); it can be developed through a training program based on somatosensory perception. In view of that, HSP is considered to be different from extrasensory perception. In the paper, first, we summarize demonstrations of HSP since 1998. Second, we introduce EEG and fMRI results of HSP, where blindfolded subjects were presented with randomly displayed stimuli(colors and shapes) on a monitor. The control state was achieved in the same experimental conditions but with eyes-open and no blindfold. We found through fMRI and EEG analyses that during HSP specific areas were activated and alpha and gamma waves changed spatiotemporally. Finally, we discuss the problems raised in the experiments and their analyses.
[2004] 뇌호흡이 초등학생의 학습효율성에 미치는 영향
- 저자오미경, 신혜숙, 이승헌
- 저널명교육학연구, 2004. 6, Vol. 42, No. 2, pp. 511-542
- 초록본 연구의 목적은 초등학생의 학습효율성을 향상시키기 위하여 뇌호흡 프로그램을 개발〮적용하고 그 교육적 효과를 검증하는 데 있다. 이를 위하여 뇌호흡 전체 프로그램 중에서 일부를 발췌하여 뇌감각깨우기, 뇌용량 키우기, 뇌스피드 높이기의 세 영역으로 구성되는 뇌호흡 프로그램을 개발하였다. 초등학교 5학년 두 학급을 선정하여 사전〮사후검사 통제집단 설계를 적용하여 3개월간 주 2회(1회 40분) 총24회에 걸쳐 뇌호흡 프로그램을 실시하였다. 측정도구로는 학습효율성검사를 사용하였으며, 자료분석은 Repeated Measures ANOVA 방식을 사용하였다. 분석결과, 뇌호흡 프로그램은 초등학생들의 학습효율성에 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 밝혀졌다. 구체적 하위요인으로는 집중력, 학습전략, 학습수용성, 자기관리전략 및 정서조절 전략에서 유의미한 증가가 나타났다.
[2004] 뇌호흡 명상 훈련에 따른 프로농구선수의 기분상태 및 스트레스 호르몬 변화
- 저자심준영, 안승찬, 유하진, 이승헌
- 저널명한국체육학회지, 2004, 제43권, 제1호, pp.153-161
- 초록This study was to examine profiles of mood states(POMS) and changes of ACTH and Cortisol which are stress hormones in 10 pro basketball players when brain respiration program is applied to them. The experiment was conducted by total 6 times for one hour per session though two weeks and the results of two measurements before and after the last training were analyzed. POMS showed a significant reduction in depression, anger and fatigue which are negative emotional states of six sub-factors before and after the training and vigor which is positive emotional state increased after training and showed higher level than the whole mean, but there was a statistically significant difference. And the concentration of ACTH and Cortisol showed a significant reduction before and after training. The above conclusions suggested that short-term brain respiration meditation training was an effective training method to change mental emotional states and physiological stress hormone level affirmatively. Further, the future researches must analyze the physiological and psychological characteristics affecting mental health synthetically and develop brain respiration program suitable to the various items and classes.