[2003] 중·장년층의 스트레스 완화를 위한 뇌호흡 프로그램 적용 효과
- 저자심준영, 오미경, 안승찬, 이승헌
- 저널명한국스포츠리서치. 2003, 제14권, 제4호, pp.1341~1354
- 초록This study assigns 21 subjects randomly who had no brain respiration training and regular exercise experience to 7 subjects with brain respiration training, 7 subjects with aerobic exercise experience and 7 subjects of control group in order to examine their physiological reactions of stress when brain respiration program was applied to the middle-aged class in their thirties and forties, and the experiment was conducted for one hour per session by three times a week for 8 weeks. After eight-week experiment, it measured ACTH, Cortisol, heart rate(HR), skin conductance level(SCL) and breath rate(BR) before and after stimulus when they were exposed to auditory noise and mental arithmetic stressor and analyzed results. ACTH and Cortisol showed little change or reduction in brain respiration group before and after stimulus, compared to the increase of ACTH and Cortisol in aerobic exercise group and control group, but there was significantly significant trend in HR, SCL and BR. In particular, in ACTH density, brain respiration group showed a significant change between group and period and it is found that application of brain respiration program is effective in reducing vigorous maintenance of homeostasis of temporary stimulus and reaction against stress.
[2003] 12주간의 뇌호흡 명상 프로그램에 따른 세포성 면역 반응 분석
- 저자심준영, 안용덕, 신혜숙
- 저널명한국체육학회지 제42권 제1호 2003.01 121 - 133
- 초록This study conducts an experiment with 26 male students in the fourth grade of elementary school who have no brain respiration training and regular exercise experiences in order to examine the effects of brain respiration training for 12 weeks on cellular immunity reaction through six times a week (30 min. for brain respiration group and 20 min. for relaxation exercise group) through 12 weeks by random assignment of 10 students having brain respiration, 8 students having relaxation exercise and 8 students. The first measurement was in stability period before experiment and the second was in stability period after experiment for 12 weeks Measured items include T lymphocyte which is cellular immunity variable, helper T cell, suppressor T cell and Th/Ts ratio and as a result of analyzing these measurements, the following conclusions are obtained. 1) It is shown that the number of T lymphocytes a significant difference between interrelation effects according to each group and before and after experiment. 2) It is didn`t show that the number of helper T cell and suppressor T cells a significant difference between effects according to each group and before and after experiment. 3) It is shown that Th/Ts ratio a significant difference in effects before and after experiment and in interrelation effects according to each group and before and after experiment. These conclusions mean that as brain respiration training increases the Th/Ts ration which is an important index of immune ability, immune ability is improved and it suggests that it is able to change neurophysiological functions of human body. Therefore, brain respiration training is very helpful to improve health of human body and can approach to accessibility of brain respiration related to exercise.
[2002] Changes in EEG of Children During Brain Respiration-Training.
- 저자 Y.Y.Kim, J.M.Choi, S.Y.Kim, S.K.Park, K.H.Lee, S.H.Lee
- 저널명The American Journal of Chinese medicine
- 초록Brain Respiration (BR)-training is a unique form of breathing exercise that develops potential ability by facilitating brain function. It is recognized as an effective method of improving the scholastic aptitude and emotional stability of children. The present study was designed to investigate the characteristics of the EEG during this training. Spectral analysis was used to examine the relative power in the EEG of 12 children while they practiced BR-training, and these were compared to those of 12 matched controls. BR-trainees showed a lower θ rhythm than the controls before the training session began and lower β2 power before, during and after the session. In contrast, the BR subjects showed greater relative α1 power than the controls in the left frontal region during BR-training, which persisted throughout the BR-training schedule. There is evidence that decreased θ and β waves may be correlated with emotional maturation, whilst increased α waves are associated with educational achievement. These findings enhance our understanding of the neurophysiological basis of the effects of BR-training upon emotion and maturation.
[2001] Spatio-temporal Pattern of EEG in Young Brain Respiration-training Children
- 저자H.R.Kim, S.Y.Kim, D.J.Kim, Y.Y.Kim, S.K.Park, J.H.Chae, K.S.Kim, K.H.Lee, S.H.Lee
- 저널명The American Journal of Chinese medicine
- 초록We have evaluated the effect of 'Brain Respiration' training on brain activity using Karhunen-Loeve (KL) decomposition as a method for spatio-temporal analysis of the electroencephalogram(EEG). BR training is a form of breath-work to optimize the function of the brain by concentrating Qi energy in the brain. Recently, BR-training has been reported to improve emotional maturity (i.e., EQ), short-term memory and intuition (Yoo et al., 1998). EEG data were taken during BR-training from 12 young BR-trainees (average age: 9.4 years) who had trained for 4 to 14 months, and during relaxation from age matched non-trained children. Spatio-temporal analysis showed a significant difference of EEG dynamics in right prefrontal, right inferior frontal, posterior temporal, parietal and occipital areas between BR-trainees and the control group. Amplitude of eigenvector components of BR-trainees in the areas of frontal, temporal and occipital cortex was larger than that of non-trained children (values were smaller in parietal cortex), with remarkably high amplitude alpha coherence all over the scalp. These results suggest that BR-training possibly activates brain function through changes in the activity of the frontal association area where higher mental integration and creative activities are mediated.
[2001] 학습활동시 뇌호흡 수련학생과 일반학생의 뇌파분석(The Analysis of Electroencephalogram Between Brain Respiration Trained Students and General Students During Learning Activities)
- 저자조선희, 김수용, 진승현, 이건호, 김영윤, 장남기
- 저널명Korean J. Behav. Biol. 10(1): 43~58, 2001
- 초록We compared EEG(Electroencephalogram) between brain respiration trained elementary school students and general elementary school students. For this, we selected ten students. Five students are trained brain respiration over six months and the other five students are not. We measured EEG during learning activities and analysed EEG by using linear and nonlinear methods. In 16 positions of brain, we calculated ratio of delta, theta, alpha, beta and represented correlation dimension value in two-dimension surface in 16 positions of brain. EEG were various up to each student and each studying activity. Linear analysis results are as followed. High ratio of beta wave in F3, F4 channel were recognized in four students of brain respiration trained group and in one student of general students group during the eye closed state and imagination state. In language activities, we recognized high beta wave ratio appeared. On the other hand, in mathematic activates high delta, theta, alpha wave ratios were recognized. Brain respiration trained students showed higher beta wave ratio than general students in language activities. In mathematic activities, general students showed increasing alpha wave ratio but brain respiration trained students showed increasing delta, theta wave. Nonlinear analysis results are as followed. Concentration in F3, F4 channel appeared in four students of brain respiration trained group, two students in general student group. And brain respiration trained students showed high concentration to one channel in one activity. Also correlation dimension values in many channels were higher in brain respiration trained students group than in general students group. Comparing average value of five students with individual student value, variation gap of delta, theta, alpha, beta ratio of wave was small. And concentration position ranges are wide. Through those results, we can infer brain respiration trained students have activated F3, F4 channel and high concentration on doing inner brain information activities. And we suggest that individual EEG analysis as well as average EEG analysis be carried out.
[2001] BRQ사용을 통한 초등학생의 뇌파변화에 관한 연구(Analysis of the EEG in elementary School Students through BRQ)
- 저자박상규
- 저널명한국인체과학학회지, Vol.2(1). 12-19.
- 초록
[1999] 뇌호흡이 스트레스성 호르몬 분비에 미치는 영향 (The Effect of Brain Respiration on Stress Hormone Secretion)
- 저자박상규, 이건호, 김덕환
- 저널명한국인체과학학회지, Vol.1(1). 34~38.
- 초록
[1999] 뇌호흡 수련이 체열에 미치는 영향 (The Effect of BR training on the Body Temperature)
- 저자박상규, 이건호, 유성모, 이승헌
- 저널명한국인체과학학회지, Vol.1(2). 40~45.
- 초록